Free magazines!

Ok, I know the title is cheeky but it’s true in a way. I have done the hard work for you [although I like to call it research, that’s what I keep telling my OH]. Come follow me on Pinterest, or at least this board and you will find free e-magazines. There is something for everybody […]

Self imposed challenge – 1st month

So I have a subscription to Better Homes and Garden magazine. And although I love to receive it each month, and flick through the pages and absorb the inspiration I thought I would impose a challenge on myself. Cook at least one dish from the magazine each month and use something [idea/colour palette/anything] in the […]

Miniature Monday – Precious Little Pieces

This cushion cover was on display at this year’s Miniature and Dolls’ House exhibition. I spoke to the lady who coordinated the cover. She said it was a collaborative effort between all the ladies in her miniature class/group. Each little square represented their other passions aside from miniatures, i.e. knitting, cross stitch, sewing, bags and […]